Hello friends,
Nowadays everyone is looking for some extra source of income and most of the housewifes looking for the income in which they are working from home. This problem were identified by Dr. Sonal and developed a GlowRoad app with her team. In which they were allow their users to resell their products by building a e-store and reffering a product on social media platform. Whenever someone buy the products from your link or store you will earn the comission.
Now here the main question is rise. Is really we recieved the commission? Is it genuine or real? Are we really able to earn commsions throgh GlowRoad app?
Answer of the question is Yes it is genuine app and it is also aquired by Amazon app to take on Meshoo and shopsy. User also started earning from the day of they downloaded app. As soon as you open a app you will get Rs 10 as gift from GlowRoad. It is really nice moves to give extra earning option to all the people in this situation where everyone needs a extra income source.
Glowroad app is available in both language in Hindi and English and they prompt for language selection while opening the app for the first time and also they took the mobile number while opening the app.
After completing the login procedure you will see the homepage with huge no. of product listing. Prices are so competitive and you will easily able to earn some good margin on products. But before choosing the product please choose the products with good ratings and also choose the supplier which has good ratings.
As I checked lot of people were complening about the product quality and you wil able to see the same things were hesitate all the peoples to buy the products from the app. I will suggest you to buy products after reading the reviews because app is not responsible for the product quality. So before you make any purchasing desicion please read the product review ones.
Summary Of App Review
- Name – Glowroad: Resell & Earn Online
- Status – Legal (Currently paying)
- App Type – Business App
- Developer – GlowRoad
- Language – English, Hindi
- Contact – care@glowroad.com