Indian Minister of Electronics and IT, Communications, and Law and Justice, Ravi Shankar Prasad, on Monday launched the international version of the government’s Umang app.
“I must also complement the UMANG Team for coming up with such a robust solution; I would also like the team to work on a voice-based solution using AI so that the UMANG may reach to the common people living in the farthest corner of the country," Prasad said on the occasion.
To give you a quick brief, the Umang app was launched by PM Narendra Modi back in November 2017 as a super app that gives citizens access to 2039 services from a total of 189 governmental departments including 88 central government departments and 101 state government departments. It is available on Android and iOS platforms and it includes services such as Aadhaar, DigiLocker, PAN, EPFO, PAN, and bill payments among others.
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Minister for Electronics & IT, Communications, & Law & Justice, e-launched an e-Book that shows the marvelous journey of #UMANGApp and the milestones that the app has touched, on the occasion of #3YearsOfUMANG, via an online conference. @rsprasad
— UMANG App India (@UmangOfficial_) November 23, 2020
The international version of the Umang app called ‘Umang International’ was launched as the app was completed three years today. "Umang saw an exponential growth in usage since its launch in 2017, and I am happy to announce that via the UMANG app citizens can enjoy all the DBT Schemes launched by the Government," Abhishek Singh, CEO, MyGov; CEO NeGD; Ministry of Electronics & IT, Govt of India, said on the occasion.
"Umang has completed three years today and I am assured that in the coming three years Umang app will be one of the stars performing apps, not only from the Government category but otherwise as well," VP Joy, Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat said in a virtual press conference.
In addition to launching Umang International, the government today announced that it would be adding two new services to the app soon. These services include Seva Portal and Rishta Portal. Additionally, the government also announced that it is integrating Common Services Centres service is being integrated into the Umang app.
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