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How to Edit Apache2.conf | Permission Denied - Amazon AWS (EC2)

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I'm trying upload the edited apache2.conf but getting File Permission Denied Error.

Status: Starting upload of O:\Users\Circle Radius\SRPL\apache2.conf Command: cd "/etc/apache2" Response: New directory is: "/etc/apache2" Command: put "O:\Users\Circle Radius\SRPL\apache2.conf" "apache2.conf" Error: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: open for write: permission denied Error: File transfer failed


Based on the communication in comments, it is visible you use account which do not have proper permissions to write in /etc

The better and more secure way to accomplish your task is:

  1. Upload the file (via ordinary user) in /var/tmp
  2. Login to the terminal
  3. Become root: sudo su -
  4. Make a backup of the original file:
cp /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf_original
  1. Copy the new file:
cp /var/tmp/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
  1. Restart apache

Thank You so much it's working for me

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